Intellectual property

copyright, modles, trademarks, patentes, know how

IP violation and unfair competition litigations
Agreements (drafts, negotiation, strategy)
French law, European law, International Law and Us Law
Protection (strategy, application and formalities)
Development strategy
Management of IP valuation and defense.

Marina Abramovic
Marina Abramovic

Freedom of creation

Censorship litigation (private law, public law, criminel law)
Street-art, tag, graffiti, « vandalism »  litigation

Daniel Buren
Daniel Buren

Art Market law

Authenticity / fakes
Edition and limited edition
Legal advises / Litigations
Artists and Galleries contractual relationships / Collector

Pierre Bernard
Pierre Bernard

Business Counceling

Business contracts, framework contracts,  standard terms and conditions (drafts, negotiation)

Internal organization / Labor law / IP
Company name / Trade name / Trademarks  
Management of IP protection, valuation and defense

Marketing and distribution networks
Development strategy

Patrick Jouin
Patrick Jouin

Consumer and distribution Law

Distribution network, exclusive distribution, agent contracts



Consumer protection and corporate obligations
Pierre Paulin
Pierre Paulin

Construction law

Legal admises to architects, interior architect, designers, lighting designers, landscape designers
Agreements (drafts, negotiation)
Expert evaluation / liability
Public procurement (negotiation)

Cy Twombly
Cy Twombly


organization of the estate over one or more generations

preparation of the future of owns collection

preparation of the protection of the works


Jakob Gautel
Jakob Gautel


Conflict identification

Search for negotiated solutions

Assistance of the parties in a mediation
Antonin Artaud
Antonin Artaud